Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Boss Fights: How do they work? (Pt. 1)

I'm a huge RPG fan and I do enjoy World of Warcraft quite a bit. One part of WoW that I really enjoy is the boss fights in each dungeon/raid. These enemies stand above those that surround them and slow your approach. But what exactly sets these bosses apart, besides the increase in health and melee damage? What defines a boss?

One of the most important aspect of the boss is the essential balance of uniqueness. The boss can't be so original that when it goes to use an attack, the player doesn't know what to do when it starts to attack. But there has to be some degree of mystery in each boss, so when a section of the floor lights up, you shouldn't know its a good thing or bad thing. The boss should also have some abilities that could be considered signature abilities. That's why Lord Marrowgar has Bone Storm. It makes him stand out. And the uniqueness should extend to its appearance. You don't want to fight a giant Murloc (I'm looking at you, Mutanus), you want to fight Yogg-Saron.

Lord Marrowgar
F@#king awesome!
The next important factor that needs to be taken into account is whether the boss fits in. This includes whether or not it should be in the dungeon/raid and where in the dungeon/raid it should be placed. Does it deserve to be one of the main bosses or should it be demoted down to an optional bosses? (More on optional bosses to come) The backstory (Yes, everyone needs some backstory) must at least explain the origins of the boss. The backstory has to make sense and shouldn't feel like a stretch of the imagination. It has to be believable.

On placement of a boss within a dungeon, I have to repeat myself: It has to be believable. You wouldn't find a scientist in his lab in the middle of a jungle themed dungeon. But the scientist can be setting up a makeshift station. And it also has to make sense with the layout of the dungeon/raid. The fore mentioned makeshift station won't be found deep inside the jungle where it's likely to be attacked by the wildlife. It would likely be placed towards the beginning, in the thinner areas of the jungle. And thus, the boss will have to be weaker compared to boss found later in the instance. (I'll probably talk more about the design of the dungeon/raid in another post)

More in the sequel...

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